Our Goals

Portable Water

On a hill, like in any rural area, people go to the source to get drinking water. It is common to walk kilometers to get water. At the times of drought, springs and rivers dry up. People who have the financial means dig wells in their yards. Depending on the ares or the season, it is necessary to dig more than 100 meters of depth to reach ground water and in times of high drought, the wells are practically dry.

However, there are two old water reservoirs in Lacolline which would have the capacity to supply the entire area. These reservoirs are Naborne which is from Haut-de-Lacolline and that of Guillaume which is Du-bas-de-Lacolline.

One of our concerns is to restore these two water catchments in order to improve the living conditions of our compatriots.


It is said  that Haiti is considered to be "an essentially agricultural country.” Unfortunately, Haitian agriculture is totally dependent on rain to irrigate the soil and fertilize plants and trees.

In times of drought, and as is often the case for several consecutive months, everything goes dry and as a result, animals die of hunger and thirst, birds disappear, rivers and springs dry up.

To solve this problem, we would like to dig wells and feed them with solar panel pumps to water our plots of land. And since the territory of the Hill just like everywhere in Haiti is fragmented, that is to say the hill is subdivided into various pieces of land belonging to the different owners, our objective is to dig wells which are near several plots and build water reservoirs to water several pieces of land at once.

With water, we can at least improve if not solve the food, economic and ecological problems of our region.

Professional Training

The population of Collin, like that of Lacolline, is very young; at lacolline, there is no vocational school. There is a great need of professionals at lacolline especially in the field of construction, health, computer, mechanics, etc. The people of Lacolline are obliged to bring these professionals from elsewhere. Young people could work in their locality, earn a living wage and serve their community at the same time.

Moreover, when these people go abroad, sometimes despite their formal education, they are forced to accept low-level work to get by because they have no professional training.

One of our dreams is to create a comprehensive vocational school so that  the young people of Collin and even those of the neighboring regions can benefit from valuable professional training enabling them to work in their country of origin or abroad.